MoAD and the Courtyard Cafe are open. There may be building works during your visit. Learn more


Celebrating the spirit and stories of Australian democracy. 

We offer unique and rewarding opportunities through creative and collaborative partnerships. We welcome conversations with corporate, philanthropic, government, research and education, media and community partners about shared goals.

Partnership enquiries

For partnership enquiries please contact the Development office.

Karen Pittar
Manager Development

A view looking down onto the House of Representatives Chamber which has green carpet and green leather and timber benches in a U-shape surrounding a central table.

We invite visitors to step back in time and ponder the stories of the people, decisions, and events that shaped Australian democracy in the place where they unfolded.  

Our contemporary exhibitions, events, engagement and education programs cultivate a ‘people’s place’ - true to the building’s original brief – to improve understanding of democracy and the skills required to participate in it.

MoAD at a glance

  • Over 1 million visitors engaged across the nation in 2021-22, onsite, offsite, online and through learning programs. 
  • Annual onsite visitation has reached over 378,000 annually. 
  • Over 15,600 visitors came to The People's House, a hands-on experience for all ages across 4 days of the 2023 Enlighten Festival.
  • 98% of teachers surveyed say MoAD's learning programs are relevant or very relevant to the curriculum. 
  • 6 ACT National Trust of Australia Awards for heritage projects in the past 5 years.  
A night shot of Old Parliament House, a large white long building, with people gathering out the front and coloured lights projected onto the surface.

Over 15,600 visitors attended Enlighten in 2023.