This cartoon, titled 'Long Black History', by Kamsani Bin Salleh was published by the artist on Instagram on the 8th of March 2023. It is a black and white image in landscape orientation, measuring 31 by 22 centimetres.
A featureless white figure, comprising a head and a rounded, cylindrical body shape stands in front of another black figure. 20 vertical lines inside a rectangle depict a waist-high counter between them and on it, a cup. Inside the white figure's speech bubble the text reads 'Can you please explain the nuances of an Indigenous Voice to parliament dot dot dot Jargon Jargon dot dot dot', suggesting more words to come. The text serves as a background to them both.
To our right, a lower speech bubble, bulbous and loosely in the shape of an extended left arm floats between the black figure and the cup, it reads 'dot dot dot here is your order'.
The label text for this cartoon reads: Throughout most of 2023 the Constitutional referendum about an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to parliament and executive government was prominent in the news. Kamsani Bin Salleh's cartoon cuts through the politicking to point out the unique pressures faced by First Nations Australians during the referendum period.