Government Party Room
Party members worked quietly and debated loudly.
Main floor
Until the 1960s, many parliamentarians weren't allocated an office, so the Party Room, Parliamentary Library and their chamber desks had to make do.

Timber units in the Government Party Room held stationery and a clever system for displaying today’s date.

In earlier times, parliamentarians who had not been allocated a desk in an office would use one in the Party Room.
The Party Room became home base. They'd settle into the club chairs to read, sit at a small desk to respond to mail or claim one of the sound-proof telephone booths to make a call.

Second image: Prime Minster Robert Menzies conducts a press conference in the Government Party Room in 1965
National Archives of Australia A1200, L51588
The recreation of the Government Party Room was made possible by the generous support of our donors.
Plan your visit
There is an audio soundscape and music that plays in the space after entering.