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Browse all cartoonists featured in Behind the Lines.

Costa A

Dean Alston


Aaron Billings

Matt Bissett-Johnson

Bill Bramhall

Peter Broelman

Warren Brown

Harry Bruce

Gaynor Alma Cardew

Jenny Coopes

Mark David

Matt Davidson

Oslo Davis

John Ditchburn

Chris Downes

Andrew Dyson

Danny Eastwood

Jules Faber

John 'Polly' Farmer

Rocco Fazzari

First Dog on the Moon

Sarah Firth

Lindsay Foyle

John Frith

Andrew Fyfe

Matt Golding


Jess Harwood

Megan Herbert

Judy Horacek

Pat Hudson

Matt Huynh

Ed Iffland

Kamsani Bin Salleh (Kambarni)

Fiona Katauskas

Simon Kneebone

Mark Knight

Jon Kudelka

Judy Kuo

Glen Le Lievre

Sean Leahy

Johannes Leak

Simon Letch

Brett Lethbridge

Mary Leunig

Michael Leunig

Peter Lewis

Eric Löbbecke

Reg Lynch

Will Mahony

Alan Moir

Wes Mountain

Peter Nicholson


Meg O'Shea

Jim Pavlidis

Bruce Petty

Elyce Phillips

David Pope

Geoff Pryor

David Rowe


John Shakespeare

Greg 'Smithy' Smith

Philip Somerville

John Spooner

Peter Sully

Ron Tandberg

Adele K Thomas

Van Nishing

Sam Wallman

Andrew Weldon

Cathy Wilcox

Scott Wrigg

Paul Zanetti